In 2022, Domain Therapeutics, Université de Montréal (UdM) and Ono Pharmaceutical.,Ltd signed a collaboration agreement to discover novel small molecules targeting GPCRs in a metabolic disease area.
This collaboration will rely on Domain’s proprietary technology platform, bioSens-All®, to profile and select molecules as well as its expertise in GPCR medicinal chemistry and pharmacology. The three partners will work together to design, develop and optimize small molecules that target GPCRs. Ono will have worldwide exclusive rights to develop and commercialize products arising from the drug discovery collaboration, while Domain and UdM will be eligible to upfront, research funding as well as research, development and commercial milestone and royalties.
In 2013, Domain Therapeutics, Université de Montréal, IRICoR and McGill University signed a licensing and partnership agreement on first generation of G Protein Coupled Receptor biosensor technology.
The bioSens-All™ technology was developed through a consortium led by Prof. Michel Bouvier and supported by the Quebec Consortium for Drug Discovery (CQDM). This technology aims at profiling the signaling signature of GPCRs biased ligands to discriminate the functional regulation of intracellular molecular pathways. Domain Therapeutics is granted with commercial rights to use bioSens-All™ primarily for its internal research, collaborations but also to propose access in fee-for service.
In 2016, Domain Therapeutics, Université de Montréal, IRICoR and McGill University signed a second licensing and partnership agreement on the second generation of G Protein Coupled Receptor biosensor technology (see press release).
This license completes the first license granted in 2013 to further expand the potential of the platform bioSens-All™ to profile signaling signature of biased ligands and more particularly the trafficking of GPCRs.