
Logo RHU Condor against Sarcoma


CONDOR is a unique approach aiming to deliver a therapeutic arsenal based on better knowledge of the Soft Tissue Sarcoma (STS) tumor microenvironment, predictive tools and biomarkers to stratify patients, as well as new immunotherapeutic approaches. The ultimate goal is to double the life expectancy of patients with metastatic STS and develop new immunotherapies targeting GPCRs involved in the immune responses to STS.

In the course of RHU CONDOR, Domain will develop proprietary therapeutic programs targeting GPCRs involved in resistance to immune checkpoint inhibitors in sarcoma with the objective of delivering therapeutics as innovative solutions for sarcoma patients.

Program description

Precision Medicine and Immunotherapy of Sarcoma

  • Discovery
  • Candidate
  • Preclinical
  • Phase I

 In 2022, Domain Therapeutics, Institut Bergonié, Explicyte, Owkin, Centre de Recherche des Cordeliers, the Institut Gustave Roussy, the Centre Léon Bérard and Inserm entered into a collaboration consortium through the hospital-university research in health (RHU CONDOR project). This 5-year consortium addressing precision medicine and immunotherapy of sarcoma is backed to a 30M€ budget and will benefit of a 10M€ financial support granted by the ANR.


Other programs

Multi-target collaboration for rare diseases


GPCR target for metabolic diseases
